My mother's heart was weak in functions and unstable.
Currently my mother need to take medicine everyday and
monthly checkup at hospital.
However, it's seem not stable in
treatments because my mother was allergy to medicine.
我想带她去看专科医生但是那医药费用我可付不起~ I would like to take my mother to look for specialist but I don't have much moneys for this.
所以我想请各位善心人士帮忙~ 敬请各位善心人士捐点钱给我~ 帮帮我这为了孩子而伤了身体健康的好妈妈~ Please help me with some charity funds donations from you so I can heal my mother soon.
我妈是个单亲妈妈~ My mother was a single mother since I'm still a kids.
我现在长大了都没能怎样让她更好的生活呢~ 真的很忏愧~ Now, I'm growth but I was so sad that I can't help much on her healthy.
如有各位善心人士的帮助,我将铭记在心~ 将来如有在下力所能为的,我一定回报大家~ Appreciate if you can
help me with some charity funds donations from you so I can heal my mother soon.